Monday, December 5, 2011

I believe in...

Miracles! This morning I stepped on the scale and to my surprise, I was 120.3lb! I guess it's when you don't try, you lose weight. Or at least that's what it seems to me.

I also officially started training for my marathon. Slowly but surely. For my first run after having not run in 2 months, I ran 3 miles in 32:07. Not bad esp cause it wasn't on the treadmill like it normally is. The only downside is I'm such a noob, I couldn't figure out how to use the Nike app! So as I'm walking around the neighborhood, I downloaded RunKeeper. It did the job so I didn't mind. It timed me, did the distance and calories burned. Pretty cool! But since I see so many use the Nike one, I'm determined to get it working! Anyway, that was my wonderful morning. Now I'm just on my lunch break :p

Cupcake! I don't deprive myself :)

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